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Team Building: TB 200 – Workplace Team Simulation
This highly experiential and interactive full-day course challenges participants through a complex “real-world” simulation of workplace and team functions. The team must organize, set goals, plan, and execute a series of group problem-solving activities. Their ability to adapt to changing priorities, absorb additional tasks and reallocate resources in a time sensitive environment will be tested and developed.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Plan a strategy to accomplish the mission.
Set team goals.
Organize a team and its resources to execute the plan.
Adapt the plan to meet contingencies and changing circumstances.
Leverage team members strengths.
Maintain effective team relationships.
Focus on mission accomplishment.
Course Topics
An Introduction to High-Performing Teams
Why organizations use teams.
Hierarchy in teams.
Team functions and dysfunctions.
Complexity in the Workplace
Identifying and allocating resources.
Plans change as soon as execution begins.
Maintaining team member motivation and engagement.
Meeting goals through adversity.